Newborn photographer – Brenda Kerns
“Life is like a box of chocolates. . . you never know what you’re gonna get.” A line from one of my favorite movies of all time, Forrest Gump. To me, that’s what newborn baby photo sessions are like. You just don’t know. You can prepare, you can over prepare, you can have absolutely every minute detail covered; and you get. . . a sleepy baby but not a sleeping baby. That’s a huge difference!
I knew that Christian, who was born on Christmas day, was older than the “ideal” age for a newborn baby photo shoot. I knew that it could possibly take a bit more work than is typical; I was so not expecting an 18 day old baby to remain awake and alert for nearly 3 hours while we tried to coax and cajole him into at least pretending to be asleep so that his overly tired mama could have some “newborn-looking” baby photos. I apologize, Lindsay – you know we tried hard.
But what I found out is that I very much love the natural looking baby photos. The ones we captured on the first snowy day of 2016 were honest and candid; a style of photography that is very natural to me. He does not always have that angelic look on his face in every picture. In many of them he was scrunching up to cry or puckering his lips for a whimper. So the pictures we captured are very much who Christian is and encompass what parenthood is about. I wish I could have put off the inevitable for you a few days longer, but this is what you get. You get the unexpected with babies. You get fussy days. Scrunched up faces. Stretched out limbs. You get cries and whimpers. . . and yes, then you get a few moments of peace as they fall asleep with the angelic smile on their faces. And you love every moment of this box of chocolate that life has served you. Enjoy the sampling xoxo

Newborn photographer – Brenda Kerns – Family photography